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I found a bug, although I don't know how it happened, but after a while of saving and emptying the trash, I became immortal hehehe

Excellent game!


Ah, I'm so sorry about those bugs. There's a couple in this version and I intend to fix those post the jam review window. Although, I wouldn't say that getting immortal is a bad thing lol.Thank you so much for taking your time to give this a shot, really appericiate it!

Catchy sfx and fun 

Thank you! Appericiate you taking the time to give this a shot!

(2 edits)

Spotted another bug, the health doesn't reset post the first restart. (You can refresh the browser to fix this bug currently) Aghhh, will get this fixed post the jam review window too. 

Thanks again for the patience :')

Helpful tip ( Bug spotted, will fix it post jam review window ) : The healthbar doesn't seem to visible with this build. There seems to be an issue. Mr.Tiny has 3 hit points available. Take 3 Hits and Mr.Tiny is dead :(

Thanks for the patience

Super fun loop!

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

Note : There is a minor bug with the click area of the Recycle Bin button. It can only be clicked on top of the icon. Trying to fix it ASAP. Thanks for the patience.

Fixed this, you can right click to open the bin